Preparing & Caring for your Spray Tan

    Everyone knows that sunbaking is bad for you. You may look great now, but guaranteed in another 20 years your skin is going to look so much more aged, and that's if you're lucky enough to not have skin cancer. With that being said, many people are wary of spray tans as they don't want to turn out looking like they just walked out of Willy Wonka's factory.

    Here is my guide for making sure you end up with a fantastic spray tan, that won't turn you orange.

    First of all, the biggest rule is to get your tan done by a professional. Not only is it incredibly hard to spray your own back, but the "spray tan in a can" type products are so different to the products available to professionals.


    • Remove all hair at least 8 hours before your tan to ensure your skin is not irritated.
    • Shower and make sure you remove all traces of deodorant, moisturizer and makeup.
    • Exfoliate your body all over, concentrating on tough areas of skin like your elbows, knees, underarms and ankles. By removing the dead skin cells, you will ensure you will get an even tan coverage as the spray tan product is absorbed by your skin, not exfoliating thoroughly is often the reason behind a patchy tan.
    • Do NOT apply any moisturizer or deodorant after your shower, as this will affect how the lotion is absorbed.
    • Ensure you wear dark, loose fitting clothing to your appointment as any tight straps is going to rub off the lotion before it has properly developed leaving you with marks.
    • Stay clear of any type of water while your tan is developing. If you get splashed by water, licked by your puppy or sweat then you will see after it is time to wash away the excess tan!
    • Once your tan has developed, I always recommend to wear no light coloured clothing for at least the first few days, because as you sweat, the spray tan can be absorbed by your clothing, or rub off if the clothing is tight fitting.
    • Avoid swimming or long baths
    • After showering, don't rub the towel over your body, pat dry. The more you exfoliate your skin, the less time your tan will last.
    • Moisturize morning and night, with a tan extender for best results.
    Now that you know how to properly care for your tan, enjoy looking sun-kissed without the risk!
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